Environment, Social, Governance and Education Systems

Environment and Conservation Fund
The objective of the ECF is to promote individual behavioural and life style changes to protect the environment and achieve sustainable development.
BillionGroup supports and assists Educational Bodies to apply and implement ECF Projects for their Schools.

Disciplined Education
Multi-Disciplinary Approach to promote Disciplined Training

ESG Reorting Consulting Services
Global Trend and Local Requirement:
With an increasing global trend of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting has become a common practice for businesses every year. ESG Report is also named as CSR Report and Sustainability Report. In Hong Kong, 85% of Hang Seng Index companies are reporting ESG issues in some form while 45% of them have a stand-alone report. Internationally, 95% of Global 250 companies are reporting their ESG performances.